When file is uploaded, a Button is enabled:
// myUploadComponent extends Upload
myUploadComponent.addSucceededListener(event -> enabledMyButtonMEthod ()); // working well
I don't find out how to disable that Button when I remove the file (click on the cross next to it).
There should be something like 'addRemoveListener' ... ? How can I detect this event ?
You can listen to the "file-remove" event in the upload component. Here is an example.
public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
public MainView() {
MyUpload upload = new MyUpload();
upload.addFileRemoveListener(e -> Notification.show("Button disabled"));
class MyUpload extends Upload {
Registration addFileRemoveListener(ComponentEventListener<FileRemoveEvent> listener) {
return super.addListener(FileRemoveEvent.class, listener);
public static class FileRemoveEvent extends ComponentEvent<Upload> {
public FileRemoveEvent(Upload source, boolean fromClient) {
super(source, fromClient);