I have been exploring Pivotal Cloud Foundry - Public Cloud Version by setting up an Pivotal Web Services account. While exploring the CF CLI I followed the below tutorial. https://pivotal.io/platform/pcf-tutorials/getting-started-with-pivotal-cloud-foundry/introduction
I was able to successfully push the sample spring boot app to PCF Cloud and follow the tutorial.
When I started to play around with it, I tried deleting the app using the below command. cf-spring is my app name.
When navigated to my Pivotal Web Service account, I could see the app has been deleted. The route still displays the name of the route which was created when an app was created using the cf push command.
So I tried to delete the route using the below command.
It does not allow me to delete using CLI ? Does the app delete command should have taken care to remove the related routes associated with the application ?
Try cf delete-route -h
to see the syntax of the delete-route command.
You probably want to run cf delete-route cfapps.io --hostname cf-spring-rested-platypus
In recent versions of cf-cli you can also run cf delete-orphaned-routes
I think the reason CF doesn't completely delete the route when you delete an app is so that it kind of keeps the hostname reserved for your use, ie: someone else can't reuse it in another org or space if you've just taken down your app for a refresh. It's kind of annoying when you actually want to reuse the hostname in another space, but considering the multi-tenancy capabilities it kind of makes sense to keep them intact/reserved.