
Dummy for time series in R

I have a dataset in which one column represents monthly Date:from 02/01/2004 to 09/01/2008, i have to create a dummy for the Dates in 2008. I tried to use:

dummy <- as.numeric(Date >= 01/01/2008),

but R said me that:

">= is not meaningful for factors"

hence i tried to transform the factor variable Date in a numeric one, but all my Dates disappeared, substituted with some random numbers.


  • This creates some data:

    dat <- data.frame(
      date = c("01/01/2017", "02/01/2017", "01/01/2018")

    Now first we get the correct date format, then we create the dummy:

    dat$date <- strptime(as.character(dat$date), "%d/%m/%Y") # correct date format
    dat$date <- format(dat$date, "%Y-%m-%d") # change to Date variable
    # create dummy:
    dat$dummy <- 0 
    dat$dummy[which(dat$date >= "2018-01-01")] <- 1


            date dummy
    1 2017-01-01     0
    2 2017-01-02     0
    3 2018-01-01     1