
How to read a CSV file in Pandas with quote characters and comma?

I have a dataset like this:

ISIN,"MIC","Datum","Open","Hoog","Laag","Close","Number of Shares","Number of Trades","Turnover","Valuta"
NL0011821202,"Euronext Amsterdam Brussels","04/09/2017","14.82","14.95","14.785","14.855","7482805","6970","111345512.83","EUR"
NL0011821202,"Euronext Amsterdam Brussels","05/09/2017","14.91","14.92","14.585","14.655","15240971","12549","224265257.14","EUR"
NL0011821202,"Euronext Amsterdam Brussels","07/09/2017","14.69","14.74","14.535","14.595","15544695","15817","227478163.74","EUR"

However I can't read the file in correctly with pd.read_csv('filename.csv') I've tried all kinds of combinations like:


But with no luck at all! I want the first line to be the columns and the quote characters and comma to be removed.

How do I go about this efficiently?


  • Problem is there is sometimes double ", solution is change separator for match zero or more " before and after ,:

    df = pd.read_csv('ING_DAILY - ING_DAILY.csv',  sep='["]*,["]*', engine='python')

    Then is necessary remove " from columns names and from first and last columns:

    df.columns = df.columns.str.strip('"')
    df.iloc[:, [0,-1]] = df.iloc[:, [0,-1]].apply(lambda x: x.str.strip('"'))
    print (df.head(3))
               ISIN                          MIC       Datum   Open    Hoog  \
    0  NL0011821202  Euronext Amsterdam Brussels  04/09/2017  14.82  14.950   
    1  NL0011821202  Euronext Amsterdam Brussels  05/09/2017  14.91  14.920   
    2  NL0011821202  Euronext Amsterdam Brussels  06/09/2017  14.69  14.725   
         Laag   Close  Number of Shares  Number of Trades      Turnover Valuta  
    0  14.785  14.855           7482805              6970  1.113455e+08    EUR  
    1  14.585  14.655          15240971             12549  2.242653e+08    EUR  
    2  14.570  14.615          14851426             15303  2.175316e+08    EUR