I am trying to check FileAttributeType. Here is my logic to compare:-
let attributes = try fileManager.attributesOfItem(atPath: "/Users/AUSER/Desktop/Downloads")
if (attributes[FileAttributeKey.type] as AnyObject? == FileAttributeType.typeSymbolicLink ){
print("YESSS \(attributes[FileAttributeKey.type])")
Error-> Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'AnyObject?' and 'FileAttributeType'
The (big) mistake is that you cast a very specific type
static let type: FileAttributeKey
The corresponding value is an String object
to a very unspecific type AnyObject
. AnyObject
cannot be compared.
Cast the type to String
and compare with the rawValue of the FileAttributeType
if attributes[FileAttributeKey.type] as? String == FileAttributeType.typeSymbolicLink.rawValue {
Side note: It's highly recommended to use always URLs rather than string paths and get the file attributes directly from the URL
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/AUSER/Desktop/Downloads")
if let resourceValues = try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileResourceTypeKey]),
resourceValues.fileResourceType! == .symbolicLink {
print("YESSS \(resourceValues.fileResourceType!.rawValue)")