
Angular2+ render a component without any wrapping tag at all

My child-component looks like:

    selector: '[child-component]'
    templateUrl: './child.template.html'

and my parent template like:

<span child-component [someInput]="123"></span>

now I want to render the content of my child component without the <span> container around it. I want no container at all in my parent component's template, just the content of our child-component's template.

I tried some other tags already.

Thanks in advance!


  • Finally found a working soltion!

    My child-component looks like:

        selector: 'child-component'
        templateUrl: './child.template.html'
    export class ChildComponent {
      @ViewChild('childComponentTemplate') childComponentTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

    My child template looks like:

    <ng-template #childComponentTemplate>
      ... some content ...

    and my parent template like:

    <child-component #wrapper [someInput]="123"></child-component>
    <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet='wrapper.childComponentTemplate'></ng-container>

    This way there is no wrapper at all.