I have a distributed Openwhisk setup, and when I try to execute more than 30 requests with one user at once, I get the following error:
error: Unable to invoke action 'prime-number': Too many concurrent requests in flight (count: 30, allowed: 30)
Any idea how I could increase this number?
If you are using ansible method for deploying OpenWhisk, you can deploy with the following ansible-playbook environment variables override
-e limit_invocations_per_minute=999999 -e limit_invocations_concurrent=999999
If you are doing other type of deployment, the controller container needs to be deploy with the corresponding environment variables set to override any of these related values.
"LIMITS_ACTIONS_INVOKES_PERMINUTE": "{{ limits.invocationsPerMinute }}"
"LIMITS_ACTIONS_INVOKES_CONCURRENT": "{{ limits.concurrentInvocations }}"
"LIMITS_TRIGGERS_FIRES_PERMINUTE": "{{ limits.firesPerMinute }}"
"LIMITS_ACTIONS_SEQUENCE_MAXLENGTH": "{{ limits.sequenceMaxLength }}"