I have this piece of RoR code that creates a gitlab repository. If the repository already exists, the method returns false with the error message.
class CreateRepositoryJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(id)
namespace = Gitlab.create_group("applications", "applications")
repo = Gitlab.create_project(id, namespace_id: namespace.id).to_hash.symbolize_keys
[true, repo]
rescue Gitlab::Error::BadRequest => e
[false, e]
I would like to test this method, in particular when the repository already exists. I use rspec-mocks and this is what I have:
it "cannot be created because the repository already exists" do
# some mocks...
allow(Gitlab).to receive(:create_project).with(anything).and_raise(Gitlab::Error::BadRequest)
added, repo = CreateRepositoryJob.perform_now entity, entity_directory
expect(added).to be false
The test returns true. It seems like the exception is not triggered.
Any idea what's going on ?
In fact, the issue was the initialization of the Gitlab::Error::BadRequest object.
it "raise an exception for the second repository" do
# some mocks...
allow(Gitlab).to receive(:create_project).with(anything, anything).and_raise(Gitlab::Error::BadRequest.new(double(parsed_response: "error", code: 404, request: request)))
added, _ = CreateRepositoryJob.perform_now entity, entity_directory
expect(added).to be false