
JS: Rebound "this" in contextless function call

The function doSomethingElse in this example fails to execute since its this has been rebound to window or global (if in Node) due to a contextless call inside app.populateDatabase.

Is there any way to avoid this without referencing app inside every function?

loadDatabase function executes a callback according to a logic statement, if an imaginary database didn't exist, it populates it after loading, then the populateDatabase executes the callback it has been provided.

I cannot rebind the onLoaded argument to app since I don't know where it comes from, and the bind/apply/call abstraction overuse creates quite a mess.

var app = {};
app.loadDatabase = function(onLoaded) {

    // If database already exists, only run a callback
    var callback = onLoaded;

    // If database doesn't exists, populate it, then run a callback.
    if (!databaseExists) {
        callback = this.populateDatabase.bind(this, onLoaded);

    this.database = new sqlite.Database("file.db", function(error) {
        if (error) { ... }



app.populateDatabase = function(onPopulated) {

    // Contextless call here. <--------

app.doSomethingElse = function() {

    // this != app due to contextless call.
} = function() {

    // Load the database, then do something else.


  • Just replace this.loadDatabase(this.doSomethingElse); with this.loadDatabase(() => this.doSomethingElse());. This way you create a new arrow function but then doSomethingElse is called with the right this context.

    You could also do .bind but I recommend the arrow function. Here with bind: this.loadDatabase(this.doSomethingElse.bind(this))

    In general consider to move to promises & maybe async functions. Then do this:

    this.loadDatabase().then(() => this.doSomethingElse());

    or better with an async function:

    await this.loadDatabase();