
Accessing Java configuration from multiple classes

I was exploring ways to do simple, plain-old file-based configuration in Java. I looked into Java's built-in Properties and the Apache Common Configuration library. For the latter, the distilled code is as follows:

Configurations configs = new Configurations();
Configuration config = null;
    config = File(""));
catch (ConfigurationException cex)

long loadQPS = config.getInt("loadQPS");

The issue I have with this is that I find myself inserting this in every single class, which is suboptimal for at least two reasons: 1) I'm reading the file once for every class, when I should only read it once. 2) code duplication.

One obvious solution would be to create a Singleton configuration class that I then access from every other class. But surely this is a desired feature in almost every use case, so shouldn't it be included with the configuration library itself (am I missing something)? I also thought of using Spring configuration, which can create a Singleton configuration class for me, but isn't there too much overhead just for file-based configuration? (Spring's strength is in DI, as I understand.)

What's a good solution, or best practice (if there is one)?

EDIT: A simple static solution suggested in the answer:

public class ConfigClass {

    static Configuration config;

    static {
        Configurations configs = new Configurations();

        Logger sysLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("sysLogger");
            config = File(""));
        catch (ConfigurationException cex)
            sysLogger.error("Config file read error");

Access in the package by ConfigClass.config.


  • So you have a couple options. One simple one would be to store and access the Configuration object statically.

    Another one that I like when I want Dependency Injection without Spring, is to structure program in DI friendly way. You can emulate a DI container by transforming your main() function into a "configuration" of your program that ultimately launches it.

    Consider a typical multi-tier web application: A DI friendly main() method might look like:

    public class AddressBookApp {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(args[0]);
        // Creates our Repository, this might do some internal JDBC initialization
        AddressBookRepository repo = new AddressBookRepository(conf);
        // Pass the Repository to our Service object so that it can persist data
        AddressBookService service = new AddressBookService(repo);
        // Pass the Service to the web controller so it can invoke business logic
        AddressBookController controller = new AddressBookController(conf, service);
        // Now launch it! 
        new WebApp(new Controller[] { controller }).start();

    This main() serves as a central place to "wire up" your application so it's easy to pass your Configuration object to every component that needs it.