I'm relatively new to lua and programming in general (self taught), so please be gentle!
Anyway, I wrote a lua script to read a UDP message from a game. The structure of the message is:
DATAx = 4 letter ID and x = control character
XXXX = integer shows the group of the data (groups are known)
aaaa...HHHHH = 8 single-precision floating point numbers
The last ones is those numbers I need to decode.
If I print the message as received, it's something like:
Using string.byte(), I'm getting a stream of bytes like this (I have "formatted" the bytes to reflect the structure above.
68 65 84 65/42/20 0 0 0/237 222 28 66/189 59 182 65/107 42 41 65/33 173 79 63/0 0 128 63/146 41 41 65/0 0 30 66/0 0 184 65
The first 5 bytes are of course the DATA*. The next 4 are the 20th group of data. The next bytes, the ones I need to decode, and are equal to those values:
237 222 28 66 = 39.218
189 59 182 65 = 22.779
107 42 41 65 = 10.573
33 173 79 63 = 0.8114
0 0 128 63 = 1.0000
146 41 41 65 = 10.573
0 0 30 66 = 39.500
0 0 184 65 = 23.000
I've found C# code that does the decode with BitConverter.ToSingle(), but I haven't found any like this for Lua. Any idea?
What Lua version do you have?
This code works in Lua 5.3
local str = "DATA*\20\0\0\0\237\222\28\66\189\59\182\65..."
-- Read two float values starting from position 10 in the string
print(string.unpack("<ff", str, 10)) --> 39.217700958252 22.779169082642 18
-- 18 (third returned value) is the next position in the string
For Lua 5.1 you have to write special function (or steal it from François Perrad's git repo )
local function binary_to_float(str, pos)
local b1, b2, b3, b4 = str:byte(pos, pos+3)
local sign = b4 > 0x7F and -1 or 1
local expo = (b4 % 0x80) * 2 + math.floor(b3 / 0x80)
local mant = ((b3 % 0x80) * 0x100 + b2) * 0x100 + b1
local n
if mant + expo == 0 then
n = sign * 0.0
elseif expo == 0xFF then
n = (mant == 0 and sign or 0) / 0
n = sign * (1 + mant / 0x800000) * 2.0^(expo - 0x7F)
return n
local str = "DATA*\20\0\0\0\237\222\28\66\189\59\182\65..."
print(binary_to_float(str, 10)) --> 39.217700958252
print(binary_to_float(str, 14)) --> 22.779169082642