With the click of a button trying to randomly show one out of the two labels that have been entered with data. I am now able to get the first set of code working 1 out of 2 Labels randomly picked. However, on the second half of code when 3 labels hold value it is now printing 2 out of 3. I only want one result for both methods. Please help! Here is my code so far-
@IBAction func decideBttn(_ sender: Any) {
// if there is data in more than one Label randomly pick 1 out of 2
if valueLbl1.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl2.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl3.text?.isEmpty == true
var topics = [valueLbl1.text!, valueLbl2.text!]
pickTopic = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(topics.count-0)))
topics.remove(at: pickTopic)
resultLbl.text = "\(topics)"
valueLbl1.text = ""
valueLbl2.text = ""
valueLbl3.text = ""
// if all 3 Labels are used button will randomly pick 1 out of 3
else if valueLbl1.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl2.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl3.text?.isEmpty == false
var topics = [valueLbl1.text!, valueLbl2.text!, valueLbl3.text!]
pickTopic = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(topics.count)))
resultLbl.text = "\(topics)"
// resetting variable value
valueLbl1.text = ""
valueLbl2.text = ""
valueLbl3.text = ""
Figured it out for those who want to know.
@IBAction func decideBttn(_ sender: Any) {
// if there is data in more than one Label randomly pick 1 out of 2
if valueLbl1.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl2.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl2.text?.isEmpty == true
let topics = [valueLbl1.text!, valueLbl2.text!, valueLbl3.text!]
let pickTopic = topics[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(topics.count)))]
resultLbl.text = "\(pickTopic)"
valueLbl1.text = ""
valueLbl2.text = ""
return ()
// if all 3 Labels are used button will randomly pick 1 out of 3
else if valueLbl1.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl2.text?.isEmpty == false && valueLbl3.text?.isEmpty == false
let topics = [ valueLbl1.text!, valueLbl2.text!, valueLbl3.text!]
let pickTopic = topics[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(topics.count)))]
resultLbl.text = "\(pickTopic)"
// resetting variable value
valueLbl1.text = ""
valueLbl2.text = ""
valueLbl3.text = ""