I am having trouble with an error I keep getting while trying to use formlets in racket. It says:
; lifted/5.1: undefined;
; cannot reference an identifier before its definition
; in module: top-level
; internal name: lifted/5.1
Nothing in my code is named "lifted" or "5.1" or any combination of the two. I am thinking that this is something inside the black box of formlets that I'm running up against, but I don't know what.
; set up
(require web-server/servlet web-server/servlet-env)
(require web-server/formlets)
; body of program
(define simpleformlet
"Name: " ,{input-string . => . name}
"Number: " ,{input-int . => . number})
(name number)))
(define (start request)
(showpage request))
(define (showpage request)
(define (responsegen embed/url)
(head (title "App3"))
(body (h1 "Let's try this...")
([action ,(embed/url actionhandler)]
[method "POST"])
,@(formlet-display simpleformlet)
(input ([type "submit"])))))))
(define (actionhandler request)
(define-values (name number)
(formlet-process simpleformlet request))
(head (title "Alright!"))
(body (h2 "name")
(p ,name)
(h2 "number")
(p ,number)))))
(send/suspend/dispatch responsegen))
; run it!
(serve/servlet start
#:servlet-regexp #rx""
#:servlet-path "/form")
I added the line
#lang racket
at the top of your program. Used "Determine language from source" in the lower, left corner of DrRacket. And ran your program. A browser window opened and I was able to enter a name and a number, before I got a sensible error.
I am using Racket version 6.12, so if you are using an older version of Racket, then upgrade and try again.