Trying to create an ECS service using cloudformation via the following manifest that has the appropriate imports
Type: AWS::ECS::Service
Cluster: !ImportValue ECSClusterName
DesiredCount: 1
LaunchType: EC2
- ContainerName: !ImportValue UIContainerName
ContainerPort: '80'
TargetGroupArn: !ImportValue UITGArn
ServiceName: ui-service
- RegistryArn: arn:aws:servicediscovery:eu-west-1:944094092130:service/srv-oIclu40KCKM3esez7
TaskDefinition: !ImportValue UITaskArn
This fails with the following message:
When specifying 'host' or 'bridge' for networkMode, values for 'containerName' and 'containerPort' must be specified from the task definition.
However when I add the wanted values (in the serviceregistry property where it makes me assume they are needed ?)
Type: AWS::ECS::Service
Cluster: !ImportValue ECSClusterName
DesiredCount: 1
LaunchType: EC2
- ContainerName: !ImportValue UIContainerName
ContainerPort: '80'
TargetGroupArn: !ImportValue UITGArn
ServiceName: ui-service
- RegistryArn: arn:aws:servicediscovery:eu-west-1:944094092130:service/srv-oIclu40KCKM3esez7
ContainerName: !ImportValue UIContainerName
ContainerPort: '80'
TaskDefinition: !ImportValue UITaskArn
... I get the following failure:
Encountered unsupported property ContainerName
This is a bug from AWS, in which the cloudformation is not supporting containerName and containerPort attribute currently. Here is the official docs for ServiceRegistry, and here is the docs for cloudformation. If I am not wrong, when service discovery was released, it only supported awsvpc networking mode and bridge/host was added later. It explains why we are having such discrepancy.
For the time being, you can create the basic ECS cloudformation, and update accordingly using CLI/API/SDK, or you can wait for sometimes so that AWS team will add support for the same.
Updated: As per this new feature (introduced on 24 Sep 2018), now you can specify the containerName
and containerPort
in the Service Registry.