I have a dataframe of latitudes, longitudes, start years and end years. I want mean precipitation for each location for that period.
Right now, I can get this for one location at a time, but I want to automate the following for multiple locations:
Here are some prerequisites:
#options(noaakey = "...") # https://ropensci.org/blog/2014/03/13/rnoaa/ says how to get a API key
#station_data <- ghcnd_stations() # Takes a while to run
statenv <- new.env()
lat_lon_df<-structure(list(lat = c(41.1620277777778, 44.483333, 44.066667
), long = c(-96.4115, -92.533333, -93.5), yrmin = c(2001L, 1983L,
1982L), yrmax = c(2010L, 1990L, 1992L), id = c("ithaca", "haycreek",
"waseca")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(1389L, 1395L,
And here is the meat.
nearby_station<-meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = ll_df,
lat_colname = "lat", lon_colname = "long",
station_data = station_data, radius = 50, year_min=ll_df[1,"yrmin"],
year_max=ll_df[1,"yrmax"],limit=1, var="PRCP")
nearby_station<-meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = ll_df,lat_colname = "lat", lon_colname = "long",
station_data = station_data, radius = 50, year_min=ll_df[1,"yrmin"],
year_max=ll_df[1,"yrmin"],limit=1, var="PRCP")
e <- lapply(nearby_station,function(x) meteo_pull_monitors(x$id[1])) #get actual data based on monitor id's
mean(xts::apply.yearly(na.omit(ll[x]),sum))/10 #divide by 10, put in mm
This returns 776.23. End result should be a dataframe that now has a new column "precip" like this:
lat long yrmin yrmax id precip
41.16203 -96.41150 2001 2010 ithaca 776.23
44.48333 -92.53333 1983 1990 haycreek 829.65
44.06667 -93.50000 1982 1992 waseca 894.62
There has to be a way to get this to
simply repeat by row of lat_long_df
, i.e for lat_lon_df[1,]
, then lat_lon_df[2,]
, and finally lat_lon_df[3,]
One approach would be to apply
a custom function over the rows of lat_lon_df
Here is an example:
Set the API key
#options(noaakey = "...") # https://ropensci.org/blog/2014/03/13/rnoaa/ says how to get a API key
station_data <- ghcnd_stations() #meta-information about all available GHCND weather stations
Now apply all the steps you described within an apply
out <- apply(lat_lon_df, 1, function(x){
min_year <- x[3] #extract the needed values min_year, max_year and ll_df
max_year <- x[4]
ll_df <- data.frame(lat = as.numeric(x[1]),
long = as.numeric(x[2]),
id = x[5])
nearby_station <- meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = ll_df,
lat_colname = "lat",
lon_colname = "long",
station_data = station_data,
radius = 50,
year_min = min_year,
year_max = max_year,
res <- lapply(nearby_station, function(y) {
res <- meteo_pull_monitors(y[1]$id)
ll <- xts(res[[1]]$prcp, order.by=res[[1]]$date)
x <- paste0(min_year <- x[3],"/",max_year)
data.frame(lat_lon_df, precip = out)
lat long yrmin yrmax id precip
1389 41.16203 -96.41150 2001 2010 ithaca 776.2300
1395 44.48333 -92.53333 1983 1990 haycreek 829.6500
1403 44.06667 -93.50000 1982 1992 waseca 894.6273
Do note that when yrmin
and yrmax
do not change one can just get the needed info by using meteo_nearby_stations
on lat_lon_df
You can also define this as a named function
get_mean_precip <- function(x){
min_year <- x[3]
max_year <- x[4]
ll_df <- data.frame(lat = as.numeric(x[1]),
long = as.numeric(x[2]),
id = x[5])
nearby_station <- rnoaa::meteo_nearby_stations(lat_lon_df = ll_df,
lat_colname = "lat",
lon_colname = "long",
station_data = station_data,
radius = 50,
year_min = min_year,
year_max = max_year,
var = "PRCP")
res <- lapply(nearby_station, function(y) {
res <- rnoaa::meteo_pull_monitors(y[1]$id)
ll <- xts::xts(res[[1]]$prcp, order.by=res[[1]]$date)
x <- paste0(min_year <- x[3],"/",max_year)
and use it as:
out <- apply(lat_lon_df, 1, get_mean_precip)