I'm using PHPSpreadSheet and I want to set money format for a cell. In PHPExcel you can do this by using the following lines...
I tried to this in PHPSpreadSheet, this is what i did...
->setFormatCode('$ #,##0.00');
But it doesn't work. Any ideas? or am I doing it wrong? Thanks in advance.
I couldn't do it with PHPSpreadSheet. In case someone runs with the same problem, this is what I did (not a proper solution but it's something).
I created a function to return the value with the money symbol.
public function formatValueMoney($number){
$val = number_format($number,2,".",",");
$setVal = '$'.$val;
return $setVal;
$int = formatValueMoney(34567898765);
echo $int;
and this : $34,567,898,765.00 is the result. i just added this in the cell.