I am creating a web in in which I have a table,
@foreach (var test in Model.testingdata)
<input type="hidden" name="testSpan @i" value="@test.ID" />
I want to get the data of this table in my mvc controller without any ajax call
what is a way of getting the data in my controller
I misunderstood in the comments, I thought you were trying to render data rather than post it back to the server.
To do this without javascript or ajax you could post the data as a form.
For this you should wrap your table in a form element. For example
<form action="/post-location" method="post">
<table> .... </table>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
When you click the submit button it will post the data to the location specified in the 'action' field.
See this example: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_form.asp