
Node.js amqplib - not able to implement the reconnect in case of connection close

I am trying to implement a reconnect mechanism when the connection fails to the rabbitmq queue server.This code is only for consuming messages, Below is my code ( the channel Init function takes care of initialising the consumer and binding to the queue ).

connect() {
    let conn = amqp.connect(queueConfig.QUEUE_SERVER_URL + "?heartbeat=60");
    return conn;

    console.log("Trying to connect amqp");
    let self = this;
    self.connection = this.connect()
        console.log("[AMQP] connected");
            if (err.message !== "Connection closing") {
                console.error("[AMQP] conn error", err.message);
        connection.on("close", function() {
            console.error("[AMQP] reconnecting");
            return setTimeout(createConnection, 1000);
        return connection.createConfirmChannel();

On connection failure I am successfully getting the prompt "[AMQP] reconnecting", but after that queue is not getting reconnected, no other prompts are coming in console log.

Please help.


  • You have a typo in your method. You need use something like setTimeout(createConnection, 1000); instead of your setTimeout(createConnection(), 1000);