I included the Index Sources and Publish Symbols task in my build pipeline and my build succeed.
In my build info, I can see that build symbols were generated, but I am not able to download those symbol files. Can you point me to the path from where can I download the build symbols?
Why I need build Symbols:
I have my build associated with the Hockey App and in order to get more refine details for the crash report I want to associate build symbols in the Hockey App.
What I tried:
I also tried to provide build symbol path in Hockey App agent but it didn't upload any symbol and the only build was uploaded.
Below are my VSTS build configurations:
Publish Symbol Path
Hockey App Agent:
After the help from Justin, I update my build agent and now my build Agent looks like this:
I can see the symbols in build artifact but the content in the folder seems to be a little weird, I can't figure out which PDB is for X86 and X64.
It looks like you're publishing the symbols to the Build.SourcesDirectory, it's cut off in your picture. You need to publish to the Build. ArtifactStagingDirectory.
Also, if you need to take a peek at where things are on your agent you can add a task. For Windows agents I add a powershell task, select inline script, then do something like:
tree /F $(Agent.BuildDirectory)
Then check your logs for that task.