The following code snippet:
struct a
[[nodiscard]] friend int b();
Produces this error when compiling on clang++ (trunk 342102)
with -std=c++17
<source>:3:5: error: an attribute list cannot appear here
[[nodiscard]] friend int b();
Removing friend
or adding a body to b
prevents the error.
g++ (trunk)
compiles the code just fine.
Live example on godbolt:
Is this a clang++
bug? Or is there some rule in the Standard that makes this code ill-formed?
If clang++
is correct, what's the proper way of marking a friend
member function as [[nodiscard]]
Each attribute-specifier-seq is said to appertain to some entity or statement, identified by the syntactic context where it appears ([stmt.stmt], [dcl.dcl], [dcl.decl]). If an attribute-specifier-seq that appertains to some entity or statement contains an attribute or alignment-specifier that is not allowed to apply to that entity or statement, the program is ill-formed. If an attribute-specifier-seq appertains to a friend declaration, that declaration shall be a definition. No attribute-specifier-seq shall appertain to an explicit instantiation.
emphasis mine
So, clang is right here. If you have an attribute, the function must have a definition if it is a friend function.