What option(s) in the Code Style (or anywhere else) should be checked/unchecked to achieve the following behavior?
Intended behavior:
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other == this // short circuit if same object
|| (other instanceof UniquePersonList // instanceof handles nulls
&& this.internalList.equals(((UniquePersonList) other).internalList)); <--
Current behavior
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other == this // short circuit if same object
|| (other instanceof UniquePersonList // instanceof handles nulls
&& this.internalList.equals(((UniquePersonList) other).internalList)); <--
Currently, everytime when I auto format the code, it shifts the &&
to be align with ||
. But it is clear that the &&
belongs to the subsection of the 2nd clause.
Try Code Style | Java | Wrapping and Braces | Binary expressions | Align when multiline.