
Running gud-pdb with conda environment

How can I run pdb from emacs on a file that is activated in a given conda environment.

I have setup exec-path and PATH to contain the current conda path, eg.

("~/miniconda3/envs/sci/bin" ...)

(getenv "PATH")

From within emacs,

(executable-find "python")

returns the proper python. pdb is located at "/usr/bin/pdb". However, if I run pdb on a file that is running in the sci conda environment, eg. its has numpy, etc. installed, pdb can't find those libraries:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

tst = np.linspace(1, 10, num=10)

pdb ./

Current directory is 
-> import numpy as np
(Pdb) n
ImportError: 'No module named numpy'
-> import numpy as np


  • Customizing gud-pdb-command-name to python -m pdb seems to work.

    So, pdb python -m pdb ./ runs in the correct environment.