
User/Role List could not be obtained pentaho

I am installing pentaho 8.1 CE on ubuntu 16.04

have made change of bd from HSQLDB to Mysql, tables have been created, jackrabbit, hibernate and hibernate. When starting the server, not login, I imagine that the users are missing or not created. ??

the error that throws me in


ERROR [CompositeUserRoleListService] User / Role List could not be obtained.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Target of Bean was never resolved:


    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy84.loadUserByUsername(Unknown Source)



Database Jackrabbit no created tables..

any idea?


  • When changing the back-end database, there's a few things you need to make sure you check.

    You'll need to confirm the settings for the connection to the new database has been properly configured in all of these different config files. Some additional details on how to config these files for MySQL specifically can be found in the documentation here:

    Past that, make sure that you delete the "repository" directory inside of /pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit as this is an index of the repository. If you change your database back-end, then this index needs to be rebuilt. The index is rebuilt automatically if the server sees that "repository" directory doesn't exist at startup.