I'm converting some information_schema queries to system catalog queries and I'm getting different results for character maximum length.
SELECT column_name,
data_type ,
character_maximum_length AS "maxlen"
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'x'
returns the results I expect, e.g.:
city character varying 255
company character varying 1000
The equivalent catalog query
SELECT attname,
atttypid::regtype AS datatype,
NULLIF(atttypmod, -1) AS maxlen
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE CAST(attrelid::regclass AS varchar) = 'x'
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
Seems to return every length + 4:
city character varying 259
company character varying 1004
Why the difference? Is it safe to always simply subtract 4 from the result?
You could say it's safe to substract 4 from the result for types char
and varchar
. What information_schema.columns
view does under the hood is it calls a function information_schema._pg_char_max_length
(this is your difference, since you don't), which body is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION information_schema._pg_char_max_length(typid oid, typmod integer)
RETURNS integer
AS $function$SELECT
CASE WHEN $2 = -1 /* default typmod */
THEN null
WHEN $1 IN (1042, 1043) /* char, varchar */
THEN $2 - 4
WHEN $1 IN (1560, 1562) /* bit, varbit */
ELSE null
That said, for chars and varchars it always substracts 4.
This makes your query not equivalent to the extent that it would actually need a join to pg_type
in order to establish the typid
of the column and wrap the value in a function to have it return proper values. This is due to the fact, that there are more things coming into play than just that. If you wish to simplify, you can do it without a join (it won't be bulletproof though):
SELECT attname,
atttypid::regtype AS datatype,
NULLIF(information_schema._pg_char_max_length(atttypid, atttypmod), -1) AS maxlen
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE CAST(attrelid::regclass AS varchar) = 'x'
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
This should do it for you. Should you wish to investigate the matter further, refer to the view definition of information_schema.columns