
Javascript : Tippy.js not working for dynamic content

I have the following tippy where on hover an Ajax call goes and fetches the data, Creates the content and shows it on. But it does not work for dynamic content because on page load the

<span class="more-tags otherPostTags" data-postId="{{$post->id}}">...</span>

comes static on page, But also it comes dynamic in a tab.

So the below code works for static

<span class="more-tags otherPostTags" data-postId="{{$post->id}}">...</span>

but does not work for dynamic.

<div id="template" style="display: none;">
    Loading a new image...

<span class="more-tags otherPostTags" data-postId="{{$post->id}}">...</span>

Tippy jquery :

const template = document.querySelector('#template');
const initialText = template.textContent;

const tip = tippy('.otherPostTags', {
    animation: 'shift-toward',
    arrow: true,
    html: '#template',
    onShow() {
        const content = this.querySelector('.tippy-content')
        if (tip.loading || content.innerHTML !== initialText) return
        tip.loading = true
        node = document.querySelectorAll('[data-tippy]');
        let id = node[0].dataset.postid;
            url: '/get/post/'+id+'/tags',
            type: 'GET',
            success: function(res){
                let preparedMarkup = '';
                    preparedMarkup +=
                        '<span class="orange-tag" style="background-color: '+item.color+'">'+
                content.innerHTML = preparedMarkup;
                tip.loading = false
            error: function(error) {
                content.innerHTML = 'Loading failed';
                tip.loading = false
    onHidden() {
        const content = this.querySelector('.tippy-content');
        content.innerHTML = initialText;

    popperOptions: {
        modifiers: {
            preventOverflow: {
                enabled: false
            hide: {
                enabled: false

What am i missing here ?


  • If you want Tippy to activate on new elements, you need to use event delegation. The Tippy documentation covers this (frustratingly, without an anchor to link to; search for "event delegation"). You use a parent container element and then tell Tippy what selector to use to match child elements. The example from the docs is:

    tippy('#parent', {
      target: '.child'
 for your example, use the container all the .otherPostTags elements are in (document.body in the worst case) and use .otherPostTags as the target:

    tippy('selectorForParentElement', {
      target: '.otherPostTags'

    Live Example:

    tippy('#container', {
      target: '.otherPostTags'
    var counter = 0;
    var timer = setInterval(function() {
      var tag = document.createElement("span");
      tag.title = "Tip for span #" + counter;
      tag.className = "otherPostTags";
      tag.innerHTML = "Span #" + counter;
      if (counter === 6) {
    }, 250);
    .otherPostTags {
      color: white;
      background-color: #2020FF;
      border: 1px solid black;
      padding: 2px;
      margin-left: 2px;
      margin-right: 2px;
      border-radius: 4px;
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <div id="container"></div>
    <script src=""></script>