
mdiparent form inside mdiparent form

how to make mdiparent form inside mdiparent form in vb.et?

what i need is to make form two side one for buttoms and the left side if for forms,but i need this forms is tile windows. i need any solution from this two :

1- i added allready mdiform inside it my forms and i make it tile windows,now i need to open this mdiparent form as mdichild form inside another mdiparent form.


2-i added all my mdichild forms inside splitecontainer inside mdiparent form,now the code for tilewindows not worked.how to make it worked?



  • thank you very much. after discussion with jmcilhinney,i will put the final solution.

    1- i used panel dock to left

    2- i used splitter dock to left

    so now i have options to resize the panel and to tile windows for my child forms easy, with this code:
