When using IP restrictions for the Geocode API, what IP address should I put there? The IP address returned by a Google search of "What is my I.P."? Or the I.P address of the server where the application/website files are hosted?
I have a website under inMotion Hosting and I tried to put their i.p as in the restrictions, but that doesn't seem to work.
I don't think I have to put the internet I.P address of everybody who visits my website since I cannot know who will visit and where.
Please let me know, I'm confused
you either have to pass ...
a) the server's IP, when geo-coding server-side (PHP API) or
b) the client's IP, when geo-coding client-side (JS API).
the server's IP should be known, for the client-side IP, see this Q&A.
in principle, it's always the IP of the party which actually requests data.