a.json file:
"a": "b",
"key": "graph: \"color\" = 'black' AND \"api\" = 'demo-application-v1' nodes",
"c": "d"
following code I tried:
string_to_be_replace = "abcd"
string_to = "graph: \"color\" = 'black' AND \"api\" = 'demo-application-v1' nodes"
string_to_be_identified = "\"color\" = \'black\' AND \"api\" = \'demo-application-v1\'"
string_to_be_identified1 = '"color" = \'black\' AND "api" = \'demo-application-v1\''
print string_to_be_identified
print string_to_be_identified1
print string_to.replace(string_to_be_identified1,string_to_be_replace)
print string.replace(string_to, string_to_be_identified,string_to_be_replace)
"color" = 'black' AND "api" = 'demo-application-v1' "color" = 'black' AND "api" = 'demo-application-v1' graph: abcd nodes graph: abcd nodes
This is working fine and replacing string as expected but
it is not when I tried the following approaches
Approach 1:
Open file in a read mode,
get line by line and replace string
with open(path + '/a.json', 'r') as file: read_lines = file.readlines() for line in read_lines: print line.replace(string_to_be_identified,string_to_be_replace) file.close()
{ "a": "b", "key": "graph: \"color\" = 'black' AND \"api\" ='demo-application-v1' node", "c": "d" }
Approach 2:
Open file in reading mode,
Since the file a.json has JSON data, get JSON file loaded, convert JSON object to JSON-string and then replace it.
with open(path + '/a.json', 'r') as file:
loadedJson = json.load(file)
print "z: " + str(loadedJson).replace(string_to_be_identified, string_to_be_replace)
z: {u'a': u'b', u'c': u'd', u'key': u'graph: "color" = 'black' AND "api" = 'demo-application-v1' node'}
Approach 3:
I assume Unicode character in JSON string might be creating a problem so converted Unicode string to normal string and then tried to replace string
def byteify(input):
if isinstance(input, dict):
return {byteify(key): byteify(value)
for key, value in input.iteritems()}
elif isinstance(input, list):
return [byteify(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, unicode):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input
with open(path + '/a.json', 'r') as file:
loadedJson = json.load(file)
js = byteify(loadedJson)
print "a: " + str(js).replace(string_to_be_identified, string_to_be_replace)
a: {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'key': 'graph: "color" = 'black' AND "api" = 'demo-application-v1' node'}
While I certainly do not recommend any sort of context-unaware search & replace in a hierarchical structure like JSON, your main issue is that the string you're searching for in your JSON file has escaped quotations (literal \
characters) so you have to account for those as well if you want to do plain text search. You can use either raw strings or add the backslashes yourself, something like:
str_search = r"graph: \"color\" = 'black' AND \"api\" = 'demo-application-v1'"
# or, if you prefer to manually write down the string instead of declaring it 'raw':
# str_search = "graph: \\\"color\\\" = 'black' AND \\\"api\\\" = 'demo-application-v1'"
str_replace = "abcd"
with open("/path/to/your.json", "r") as f:
for line in f:
print(line.replace(str_search, str_replace))
Which, for your JSON, will yield:
{ "a": "b", "key": "abcd nodes", "c": "d" }
(Extra new lines added by print