
How can I persist the analysis result for an NDepend project?

I am trying out NDepend (2018.2.0) but I am stuck early with this one and I am receiving an error for reasons that don't appear to be true.

After install NDepend and starting VS 2015:

  1. Add Assemblies From VS Solution
  2. I select the sln file
  3. Projects from the sln are all loaded.
  4. I "Run Analysis" and while running, I see this: enter image description here
  5. Then I receive error:
    enter image description here

The Code to Analyze and Paths Referenced check out. And there are no errors in the Analysis Error List panel:
enter image description here

Any ideas?


  • The solution is to install version, 2018.2.1 or later which address the bug referenced in @Patrick from NDepend team's comment.

    The expected behaviour is something like this while the analysis is running:
    enter image description here

    And when it finishes, the bad news looks like:
    enter image description here

    At which point the, the fire-hose of data and metrics becomes available.