I'm trying to load a navigator app from my Ionic application to show directions and I am using Google Maps, but the problem is that I am using the launchNavigator function which only accepts a string - the name of the location.
let options: LaunchNavigatorOptions = {
app: this.launchNavigator.APP.GOOGLE_MAPS
this.launchNavigator.navigate('Lagos, ON', options) //here
.then(success =>{
So the Lagos option, could be London, or any other city, but what if I'm trying to get a remote location, or some other city. Why can't I just use the longitude and latitude, instead of the name? For example
this.launchNavigator.navigate({lat:8.234345, lng:7:5644563}, 'ON', options);
...something similar to that. What can I try next?
I use it like this
let destination = [lat, lng];
success => console.log('Launched navigator'),
error => console.log('Error launching navigator', error)
And it shows me how do i go from where I am to the coordinates I pass.