I am using apache commons CSV parser to convert the CSV to a map. In the map I couldnt able to read some values through intellij debuger. if I manually type map.get("key") the value is null. However, if I copy paste the key from the map, I am getting data. Couldnt understand what is going wrong. Any pointers would help. Thanks
Here is my CSV parser code:
private CSVParser parseCSV(InputStream inputStream) {
System.out.println("What is the encoding "+ new InputStreamReader(inputStream).getEncoding());
try {
return new CSVParser(new InputStreamReader(inputStream), CSVFormat.DEFAULT
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IPRSException(e);
There was a weird character in the strings (Reference: Reading UTF-8 - BOM marker). The below syntax help to resolve the issue
header = header("\uFEFF", "");