
splunk check if message contains certain string

In Splunk search query how to check if log message has a text or not?

Log message:

message:     2018-09-21T07:15:28,458+0000 comp=hub-lora-ingestor-0 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO  com.nsc.iot.hono.receiver.HonoReceiver - Connected successfully, creating telemetry consumer ...

and I want to check if message contains "Connected successfully, creating telemetry consumer ..." and based on this want to assign 1 or 0 to a variable

Splunk search Query

(index="05c48b55-c9aa-4743-aa4b-c0ec618691dd" ("Retry connecting in 1000ms ..." OR "Connect or create consumer failed with exception" OR "Connected successfully, creating telemetry consumer ...")) 
| rex field=_raw ^(?:[^ \n]* ){7}(?P<success_status_message>\w+\s+\w+,\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+)"
| timechart count as status | eval status=if(isnull(success_status_message), 0, 1)

success_status_message is always null


  • Part of the problem is the regex string, which doesn't match the sample data. Another problem is the unneeded timechart command, which filters out the 'success_status_message' field. Try this search:

    (index="05c48b55-c9aa-4743-aa4b-c0ec618691dd" ("Retry connecting in 1000ms ..." OR "Connect or create consumer failed with exception" OR "Connected successfully, creating telemetry consumer ..."))
    | rex "\s-\s(?P<success_status_message>.*)" 
    | eval status=if(match(success_status_message, "Connected successfully, creating telemetry consumer"), 1, 0)