I am running the latest JHipster generator
izio@1z10:~$ jhipster --version
Using JHipster version installed globally
and I'm using the following JDL by running
jhipster import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh
to generate my microservices and gateway projects.
application {
config {
baseName Gateway
applicationType gateway
packageName com.app.gateway
databaseType postgresql
devDatabaseType postgresql
prodDatabaseType postgresql
serverPort 8080
languages [en,it,de,fr,es,pt-pt]
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
entities *
application {
config {
baseName authorMS
applicationType microservice
packageName com.app.ams
databaseType postgresql
devDatabaseType postgresql
prodDatabaseType postgresql
serverPort 8081
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
entities Author
application {
config {
baseName bookMS
applicationType microservice
packageName com.app.bms
databaseType postgresql
devDatabaseType postgresql
prodDatabaseType postgresql
serverPort 8082
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
entities Book
entity Author{
Name String required
entity Book{
Name String required
relationship ManyToMany{
Book{authors(name)} to Author
dto * with mapstruct
service * with serviceImpl
paginate * with pagination
microservice Author with authorMS
microservice Book with bookMS
Everything seems to be ok, at least with the generation part, since there is no error with the jhipster import-jdl
The prolem here is that I need a way to link entities by their ID among different microservices.
Right now the link is made wrongly to the other entity class (even if it resides in a different microservice). Obviously this results in an impossible to run app, due to missing entity class.
In such cases the only logical solution would be to link entities among different microservices by using their IDs rather than the entity class.
Is there any way to do this from the JDL, rather than making the required changes by hand?
You're right specifying a relationship between entities from different microservices does not work and I think the JDL parser should raise an error in such case (feel free to report an issue on github), I did not try but I think the entity sub generator does not allow it. So you could define simple id fields in your entities but it will not be a relationship because it won't allow you to easily build a JOIN queries in database as each entity reside in a different database and the JHipster will not generate frontend code for it too.
I suggest also that you re-consider how you split your business domain amongst microservices. Building such relationships is an anti pattern in microservices architecture, each microservices should be defined around bounded contexts (refer to Domain Driven Design for details). If 2 entities have a strong relationship, it often means they should belong to same microservice. There can be exceptions but using inter-service calls to join entities is very expensive and fragile compared to JOIN database queries within one microservice, so you should avoid them.