Is there a way in Falcon framework to respond with HTTP 500 status on any unspecific exception that is not handled in resource handler? I've tried to add following handler for Exception:
handler=lambda e,
*_: exec('raise falcon.HTTPInternalServerError("Internal Server Error", "Some error")'))
But this makes impossible to throw, for example, falcon.HTTPNotFound
— it is handled by the handler above and I receive 500 instead of 404.
Yes, it is possible. You need to define a generic error handler, check if the exception is instance of any falcon error, and if it is not, then raise your HTTP_500.
This example shows a way of doing it.
def generic_error_handler(ex, req, resp, params):
if not isinstance(ex, HTTPError):
raise HTTPInternalServerError("Internal Server Error", "Some error")
else: # reraise :ex otherwise it will gobble actual HTTPError returned from the application code ref.
raise ex
app = falcon.API()
app.add_error_handler(Exception, generic_error_handler)