
Mapdeck Package in R - add_grid Does Not Appear to Render Anything


The add_grid function in the R mapdeck package is very exciting. However, following the CRAN documentation, I cannot seem to get any data to actually plot on the returned map.

In other words, the map returns, but no data is plotted. Is this a known bug?



# - Enter mapdeck key ... Note that it is user-specific
key <- rstudioapi::askForPassword() 

# - Read Example Data Set
df <- read.csv(paste0(

# - Plot Data ... Note how the map returns, but not the data
mapdeck( token = key, style = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9', pitch = 45 ) %>%
    data = df
    , lat = "lat"
    , lon = "lng"
    , cell_size = 5000
    , elevation_scale = 50
    , layer_id = "grid_layer"

Created on 2018-09-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)


Map Output - Lacking Data


  • This is not necessarily a 'bug' inside mapdeck itself, but more the way mapdeck communicates with RStudio. There are conflicts between the different javascript versions they use.

    If you open the plot in a browser (by pressing the show in new window button in Rstudio) you should get your plot.

    enter image description here

    I've got this issue logged, but don't know the way forward yet.