The Trim function only trims spaces. I need a function that trims all non-printing characters.
My code...
Private Sub CleanUpData()
LastRow = Application.CountA(ActiveSheet.Range("A:A"))
For CurrentRow = 2 To LastRow
Cells(CurrentRow, 1) = Trim(Cells(CurrentRow, 1))
Cells(CurrentRow, 2) = Trim(Cells(CurrentRow, 2))
Cells(CurrentRow, 3) = Trim(Cells(CurrentRow, 3))
Cells(CurrentRow, 4) = Trim(Cells(CurrentRow, 4))
Next CurrentRow
End Sub
...does nothing.
Try this:
Public Function TrimComplete(ByVal sValue As String) As _
Dim sAns As String
Dim sWkg As String
Dim sChar As String
Dim lLen As Long
Dim lCtr As Long
sAns = sValue
lLen = Len(sValue)
If lLen > 0 Then
For lCtr = 1 To lLen
sChar = Mid(sAns, lCtr, 1)
If (Asc(sChar) > 32) and (Asc(sChar) < 127) Then Exit For
sAns = Mid(sAns, lCtr)
lLen = Len(sAns)
If lLen > 0 Then
For lCtr = lLen To 1 Step -1
sChar = Mid(sAns, lCtr, 1)
If (Asc(sChar) > 32) and (Asc(sChar) < 127) Then Exit For
End If
sAns = Left$(sAns, lCtr)
End If
TrimComplete = sAns
End Function
Taken from