
Requirejs wrong dependencies order

I've got a variable saved in a js file: Subcategories.js. Something like this(but actually much, much bigger):

    subcategories: { 
            "Subcategory1-1", "Subcategory1-2", "Subcategory1-3"
            "Subcategory2-1", "Subcategory2-2", "Subcategory2-3", "Subcategory2-4"
    getSubcategories: function () {
        return this.subcategories;

I've managed to send the variable successfuly to SomethingController.js this way(copied just parts of the necessary code below):

	function(_, Controller, SomethingView, SomethingCollection, Subcategories) {
		var subcategory = null,
		var SomethingController = Controller.extend({
			show_results: function(collection, resp) {
				var data = { 
					subcategories: Subcategories.getSubcategories(),

But when I try to import the variable in SomethingView.js, it only works if I use the entire json object again:

	function( $, Backbone, viewTemplate, has, Subcategories) {
		var SomethingItemsView = Backbone.View.extend({
			el: $("#main-section"),
			template: viewTemplate,
			events: {
				"click #some_button" : "change_some_page",
			something_items: function( event ) {
				var somethingCategory = $("#some_selector");
				var subcategories = {// entire json object
        var somethingSubcategory =  subcategories[somethingCategory];

I've tried var subcategories = Subcategories.getSubcategories(), Subcategories.subcategories and all sorts of stuff. Wasted quite a bit of time for something so small. I'm stumped as to why it doesn't work and I don't want to have the whole object hard-coded there.

I'm making some changes to the front end of an existing website so note that I can't change the framework of any of those files, except maybe Subcategories.js.

Any opinion would be appreciated.


  • I think your problem is coming from the order of your dependencies:

        function( $, Backbone, viewTemplate, has, Subcategories) {

    It has to be in the same order.Subcategories is the sixth and last argument but you have only five inputs.

    jquery => $
    backbone => Backbone
    has/form => viewTemplate
    has!... => has
    scripts/libs/jquery.tmpl.js => Subcategories
    helpers/Subcategories => OUPS NOTHING O_O

    Hope it helps