I'm writing a Python script to check if a file is added to a folder with watchdog, that file is going to be added to a queue.
My idea is to add the filename to a txt, then either run a new class that watches the txt and then executes a line in cmd and start for example FME.
Is it the best way to write a new .py for every new program I want to open. For example one for FME and one for notepad.
I still want the watchdog class to go into the background.
and so on...
Or on all.py
class looking_for_files_and_adding_to_queue
class looking_in_queue_for_the_next_in_line_and_direct_to_3_party
class FME
class Notepad
Today my script looks like this:
import time
import sys
import os
import datetime
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
class MyHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
patterns = ["*.tif"]
count_move = 0
def process(self, event):
if self.count_move == 1:
# the file will be processed there
folder = "P:\\03_auto\\Indata"
indata = event.src_path
#Makes a new folder in Utdata based on filename
newfolder = os.path.join(folder[:11], str("Utdata\\orto"), event.src_path[18:29])
if not os.path.exists(newfolder):
#Logg and print start of FME
print(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": FME " + event.src_path[18:] + " startats i FME.")
log_file = open("P:\\03_auto\\log.txt", "a")
log_file.write(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": FME " + event.src_path[18:] + " startats i FME.\n")
#Starting and excequting FME
var_fme = str('fme.exe "P:\\03_auto\\Script\\tiff_to_milti_jpg_tiff\\tif_to_multi-jpg-tiff.fmw" --SourceDataset_TIFF "') + indata + str('" --FEATURE_TYPES "" --DestDataset_JPEG "') + newfolder + str('" --DestDataset_JPEG_5 "') + newfolder + str('" --DestDataset_JPEG_4 "') + newfolder + str('" --DestDataset_GEOTIFF "') + newfolder + str('" --DestDataset_GEOTIFF_3 "') + newfolder + str('"')
#Logg and pring move file
print(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": Flytt " + event.src_path[18:] + " har flyttats till" + newfolder + "\nTransformering klar\n")
log_file = open("P:\\03_auto\\log.txt", "a")
log_file.write(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": Flytt " + event.src_path[18:] + " har flyttats till" + newfolder + "\nTransformering klar\n\n")
#Move org file to Utdata\orto
file_move = newfolder + indata[17:]
os.rename(indata, file_move)
#Restets script
self.count_move = 0
#Logg and pring loadning file while transfering
print(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": Laddar " + event.src_path[18:] + " startar inladdning.")
log_file = open("P:\\03_auto\\log.txt", "a")
log_file.write(time.strftime('%a %H:%M:%S') + ": Laddar " + event.src_path[18:] + " startar inladdning.\n")
#Sets counter to 1 which enables the FME part
self.count_move += 1
def on_modified(self, event):
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = "P:\\03_auto\\Indata"
observer = Observer()
observer.schedule(MyHandler(), path, recursive=True)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
tl;dr keep everything in one file for now, split subsequently while refactoring when the file becomes huge.
Python does not force you split classes / functions into modules. We as programmers make that call for solely the purpose of readability and maintainability.
While refactoring I personally look at functions with more ~40 - 50 lines and files with ~ 1000 lines to split and try to keep closely related things together.
high cohesion and low coupling.
is a characteristic feature of good software.
Also, since you seem to be starting out with this project I would recommend you to first concentrate on making a version that works, thereafter refactor it to improve code quality.
premature optimization is the root of all evil.
I am assuming that you are looking for suggestions to improve code quality here, so here are a few things you might be also be interested in: