I tried following this example How to zoom image with angularJS This is getting images from a JSON website and has two different picture links for each {}. I'm trying to enlarge thumbnail images that are obtained from my model by clicking the picture and opening a modal. How do I tie the modal to my click on the image and pass in the image and the caption? Incidentally now when the modal opens, it's empty and it's a tiny width. It would need to be at least 600X600.
"use strict";
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngResource','ui.bootstrap']);
$templateCache.put('modal.html', '<div><a ng-click="$close(true)" class="pull-right">× close</a><img ng-src="{{vm.options.imageList.images}}"/></div>');
app.controller("MainController", ['$scope','$uibModal','$resource', function($scope,$uibModal,$resource) {
var vm = this;
$scope.showModal = function(imageName) {
$scope.ImageName = "vm.imageList.image" +imageName;
var uibModalInstance = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'modal.html'
vm.options = {
images: 'images/IMG_0321.JPG',
caption: 'cuddly',
category: 'lake'
images: 'images/IMG_0050.JPG',
caption: 'sleepy',
category: 'lake'
images: 'images/IMG_0055.JPG',
caption: 'sleepy',
category: 'lake',
images: 'images/IMG_0056.JPG',
caption: 'cuddly',
category: 'lake'
images: 'images/IMG_0059.JPG',
caption: 'cuddly',
category: 'lake'
function selectCategory(pos) {
vm.selectedCategory = pos;
<div class = "row">
<div class = "col-md-12">
<div ng-repeat = "image in vm.options.imageList | filter: {category: vm.selectedCategory}">
<img class = "thumbnail" ng-src="{{image.images}}" hspace ="15" vspace ="10" ng-click="showModal()">
You are not passing the image in your showModal
This would be the workaround.
<div class = "row">
<div class = "col-md-12">
<div ng-repeat = "image in vm.options.imageList | filter: {category: vm.selectedCategory}">
<img class="thumbnail" ng-src="{{image.images}}" hspace ="15" vspace ="10" ng-click="showModal(image.images)">
In your modal.html:
$templateCache.put('modal.html', '<div><a ng-click="$close(true)" class="pull-right">× close</a><img style="max-width:100%; min-height: 600px;" ng-src="{{imageName}}"/></div>');
And the controller:
$scope.showModal = function(imageName) {
var uibModalInstance = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'modal.html',
controller: function($scope){
$scope.imageName = imageName;
size: 'lg'