
Setting default "open" behavior of a `.R` file in Windows?

Q: In Windows, how can I set .R files to open by default in the R Editor? A bonus would be if they opened AND set the workspace to the directory in which they live.

Windows is able to open .ssc files in the Splus script editor by default. Not sure why I can't get the same behavior for .R files in the R Editor.

I've already tried Right Click -> Open With -> Choose Default Program and gone through R.exe and other similar options. Nothing seems to work.


  • I assume what is happening is that when you associate R with .R files, R opens them and runs them rather than opening them in the editor.

    There's an easy solution, but it doesn't involve the R editor: Use a real text editor. There are quite a few, but I'm partial to jEdit or Eclipse with STAT/ET (which offers a full IDE), or the new RStudio.

    Other suggestions have been posted in the past.