After switching to LambdaModel
as an alternative to PropertyModel
in one of my forms in my Wicket 8 application I have failing submit tests stating:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal
My Form Panel has a NumberTextField
which in my working scenario is bound to a PropertyModel
form.add(new NumberTextField<BigDecimal>("myBigDecimalField", new PropertyModel<>(getModel(), "myBigDecimalField")));
form.add(new NumberTextField<BigDecimal>("myBigDecimalField", LambdaModel.of(getModel(), MyClass::getMyBigDecimalField, MyClass::setMyBigDecimalField)));
The problem is that LambdaModel
does not implement IObjectClassAwareModel
as PropertyModel
does and so when the NumberTextField
tries to resolve the type in AbstractTextComponent#152
and subsequentially checks in getModelType
if the model is an instance of IObjectClassAwareModel
it will not work, as LambdaModel
does not implement this interface.
Is this intended that LamdaModel
does not implmement IObjectClassAwareModel
BTW I know that I can fix this issue with explicitly declaring the type class of the NumberTextField
Regretfully it's quite hard to retrieve any type information from lambdas.
See here for an explanation:
Java: how to resolve generic type of lambda parameter?
So for now it's recommended to pass the type to the component.