Recently i started looking into struts2 and I've been noticing this weird problem
Caused by: Bean type class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory with the name struts has already been loaded by bean - jar:file:/C:/Users/M/.m2/repository/org/apache/struts/struts2-core/2.5.13/struts2-core-2.5.13.jar!/struts-default.xml:75:72
In the stack it complains about the bean already loaded with the same jar. I noticed couple questions regarding this, but nothing fixed the issue. I am not using two struts2-core jars, both same version. I did mvn clean,but that didn't fix the issue.
The issue is intermittent, sometimes it just works fine and sometimes it fails.
I tried clearing all the jars from .m2 folder, I also tried removing the jar from the target folders, re importing all maven dependencies. But that didn't work.
The issue was due to intellij iml file, there was a struts2 library entry that i needed to delete