Converting my Express app to Koa...
I'm googling and I'm googling, I can't find how to pass extra params into Koa middleware. For example...'/', compose([
]), UserController.postNew);
I need send some variable bodyAttribs (string array) names into the bodySchemaTest middleware and I don't know how to do this in Koa.
I'm just now trying Koa. Please share your expertise :-)
Ok I worked it out myself. Not sure if this is smart or the "right" way to do this but the solution for me was to create a piece of middleware in each controller that sets expected schema attribs in ctx.state.bodyAttribs.
Like this...
// /src/routers/user.router.ts
import * as UserController from '../controller/user.controller';
import * as Midware from './middleware';
import Router from 'koa-router';
import compose from 'koa-compose';
const router = new Router();
router.get('/', Midware.verifyAuthToken, UserController.getAll);'/', compose([
]), UserController.postNew);
module.exports = router;
// /src/controller/user.controller.ts
import { Context } from 'koa';
import { UserData } from '../data/mongo/';
import { UserModel } from '../model/user.model';
import { EmailValidate } from '../service/email-validate.service';
import * as Logger from '../util/logger';
const dataContext = new UserData();
// Middleware to set bodyAttribs
export const bodyAttribs = async (ctx: Context, next: any) => {
ctx.state.bodyAttribs = ['handle', 'processUserOptions', 'name', 'email', 'pass', 'passConfirm'];
return await next();
So each controller provides the custom middleware that set the custom bodyAttribs I want to verify. You can use this approach to set and pass 1 to any number of extra params, whatever you need, in ctx.state which always goes on to next middleware in chain. Follow? :-)