
using AngularJS and select tag Data-live-search not working

I'm new to AngularJS. I followed this post angularjs-ng-options-with-group and added data-live-search.

This is my json


My html:

<select data-live-search="true" data-live-search-style="startsWith" 
 ng-model="val"  class="selectpicker"
 ng-options="x.Type group by x.NSX for x in Farm">              

Image My select menu:

enter image description here

The problem is when I choose Orange then the output is Apple. I choose Apple the output is Grape. I choose Grape, the output is Flower.

I remove class="selectpicker", it works fine, but there is no searching in select menu.

Is there any solution for this or alternative?


  • Chances are that data-live-search from Bootstrap is incompatible with many Angular features. Instead, you should recreate the filtering it does with an Angular filter. Here is an example of a startsWith filter written in Angular, made for your data:

    app.filter('startsWith', function () {
        return function (items, input) {
            if(input === undefined || input.length === 0){
              return items;
            var filtered = [];
            var inputMatch = new RegExp(input, 'i');
            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                var item = items[i];
                if (inputMatch.test(item.Type.substring(0, input.length))) {
            return filtered;

    Working JSFiddle with your data