
Changing docker root is not registerd by mesosphere dcos

By adding "graph": "/dcos/docker/" to /etc/docker/daemon.json , I changed the docker root dir for all my Mesosphere DCOS agnet-nodes to run under a larger disk instead of the root(/) volume.

Through docker info, I saw change from Docker Root Dir:/var/lib/docker/ to Docker Root Dir:/dcos/docker/.

Then from what i can see the change worked with Docker, since all volumes and all container are created in the directory of /dcos/docker. But the problem is that Mesosphere DCOS do not seem to notice such a change. When launching containers from the GUI or CLI, it can not start containers that needs a persistent volume larger than the size of root(/) even if the docker root volume is much larger.

/dev/mapper/centos-root  150G  4.3G  146G   3% /
/dev/sda1                881G  3.8G  832G   1% /dcos/docker

But as soon as i start a container that only needs a smaller size than the root disk, it works and places it under the /dcos/docker.

Is there any way to make Mesosphere DCOS recalculating the free space it can use for persistent storage? or make the agent-node to notice that the docker root dir is not under root(/) volume anymore?

In the gui, when asking looking at the debug "Recent Resource Offers" table, i can see that the node offerd 1T of storage but the task request 0 bytes and a red X on the disk paramter. But on other agent-nodes with larger roots than requested size, it is a green checkmark.


  • Got it working by changing the mount location of the disk from /dcos/docker to /var and changed back the location of docker root to /var/lib/docker. This fixed both root from filling up by docker containers and allows me to allocate larger presentient volumes in dcos.

    Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/centos-root    50G   12G   39G  24% /
    devtmpfs                  148G     0  148G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                     148G     0  148G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                     148G  250M  148G   1% /run
    tmpfs                     148G     0  148G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/sda2                1014M  184M  831M  19% /boot
    /dev/mapper/centos-lvol1  2.0T   39M  2.0T   1% /dcos/volume0
    /dev/mapper/centos-lvol0  4.0T   17G  4.0T   1% /var
    /dev/mapper/centos-lvol2  1.8T   33M  1.8T   1% /dcos/volume1
    overlay                   4.0T   17G  4.0T   1% /var/lib/docker/overlay/095f55a30c322914b0d4b82ac90a884fd5a1b1f937ce94654bf961e59644f720/merged
    shm                        64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/e73e8277e9ce4270afd38038ecc2116e3a12e415783a611a74a7900f6241fe3a/shm
    overlay                   4.0T   17G  4.0T   1% /var/lib/docker/overlay/19c8656cf344a3dce3cbce73040961af551d38bb4f63843dd173d075c72ba58b/merged
    shm                        64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/ccfcd9707003e55d229884ac283b977df634ae9d5c8b5f04517dba94c255fa5d/shm
    overlay                   4.0T   17G  4.0T   1% /var/lib/docker/overlay/886b3e427b2c2d8ff2854e015bd91617253c069fdf9537a882dac10584720924/merged
    shm                        64M     0   64M   0% /var/lib/docker/containers/654b4a4bd9aaa13720fbe3be81f48228d35932a45f5af56789c9fdd4b974294b/shm
    tmpfs                      30G     0   30G   0% /run/user/0