
Display all data information JSON in array

I have a problem; I get well the JSON file in the API:

▿ 23 elements
  ▿ 0 : 10 elements
    ▿ 0 : 2 elements
      - key : _id
      - value : 5b9912774a324d25ac5b52d8
    ▿ 1 : 2 elements
      - key : userid
      - value : 5b76c507af724e6f7538f249
    ▿ 2 : 2 elements
      - key : __v
      - value : 0
    ▿ 3 : 2 elements
      - key : internationalFormat
      - value : +224 625 25 92 39
    ▿ 4 : 2 elements
      - key : firstname
      - value : toto
    ▿ 5 : 2 elements
      - key : lastname
      - value : tata
    ▿ 6 : 2 elements
      - key : countryCode
      - value : GN
    ▿ 7 : 2 elements
      - key : nationalFormat
      - value : 625 25 92 39
    ▿ 8 : 2 elements
      - key : created_at
      - value : 2018-09-12T13:19:51.794Z
    ▿ 9 : 2 elements
      - key : beneficiarynumber
      - value : +224625259239

but I can not display all the information of the user (firstname, lastname ..) this is the code I implemented to display all user information:

   struct Beneficiary {
        let id: Int
        let firstName: String
        let lastName: String
        let beneficiaryNumber: String
        init(_ json: [String: Any]) {
   = json["_id"] as? Int ?? 0
            self.firstName = json["firstname"] as? String ?? ""
            self.lastName = json["lastname"] as? String ?? ""
            self.beneficiaryNumber = json["internationalFormat"] as? String ?? ""

    class HPBeneficiaryViewController {
                    //// list beneficiary /////
                    let token = HPWSLoginManager.shared().saveSuccessResponse.token
                    let idUser = sub["_id"] as! String
                    let url = URL(string: ""+idUser)!
                    var request = URLRequest(url: url)
                    request.httpMethod = "GET"
                    request.addValue("Bearer \(token!)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
                    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
                        guard let dataResponse = data, error == nil else {
                            print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Response Error")
                            return }
                        do {
                            let jsonResponse = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: dataResponse, options: [])
    //                        print(jsonResponse)
                            guard let jsonArray = jsonResponse as? [[String: Any]] else {
                            var model = [Beneficiary]()
                            for dic in jsonArray {
                                cellModelArray.append(HPBeneficiaryModel(firstName: model[0].firstName, lastName: model[0].lastName, tel: model[0].beneficiaryNumber, type: .beneficiary))
 let sectionModel = HPBeneficiarySectionModel(name: "Mes Beneficiaires", modelArray: cellModelArray)
                        self.sectionArray = [sectionModel]
} catch {
                        print("error serializing")

but it just displays a loop with the first user information how to recover all users? Help me please.


  • The immediate issue is this line:

    cellModelArray.append(HPBeneficiaryModel(firstName: model[0].firstName, lastName: model[0].lastName, tel: model[0].beneficiaryNumber, type: .beneficiary))

    You always access the first element of the model array while adding new elements to the end of the array. You need to use model.last! instead of model[0].

    However, you should switch to using Codable instead of manually parsing a JSON response.

    struct Beneficiary: Codable {
        let id: Int
        let firstName: String
        let lastName: String
        let beneficiaryNumber: String
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case id = "_id", firstName = "firstname", lastName = "lastname", beneficiaryNumber = "internationalFormat"

    Then make the network request:

    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
        guard let dataResponse = data, error == nil else {
            print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Response Error")
        do {
            let model = try JSONDecoder().decode([Beneficiary].self, from: dataResponse)
            cellModelArray.append(contentsOf:{HPBeneficiaryModel(firstName: $0.firstName, lastName: $0.lastName, tel: $0.beneficiaryNumber, type: .beneficiary)}))
            let sectionModel = HPBeneficiarySectionModel(name: "Mes Beneficiaires", modelArray: cellModelArray)
            self.sectionArray = [sectionModel]
        } catch {
            print("error serializing")