
XML child element does not get added but does not throw any errors

Following up from my previous question.

I am using addChild() to add another <comment> element as a child of the root element. I used the code from this question:

$file = "comments.xml";

$comment = $xml -> comment;

$comment -> addChild("user","User2245");
$comment -> addChild("date","02.10.2018");
$comment -> addChild("text","The comment text goes here");

$xml -> asXML($file)

Now, when I echo the file contents:

foreach($xml -> children() as $comments) { 
  echo $comments -> user . ", "; 
  echo $comments -> date . ", "; 
  echo $comments -> text . "<br>";

I only get the old file contents (with no changes):

User4251,02.10.2018,Comment body goes here
User8650,02.10.2018,Comment body goes here

I am using the same comments.xml file. There are no errors displayed.

Why doesn't the child element get appended?


  • You are adding to one of the comment elements, add it to the full doc.

    $xml = new simplexmlelement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <text>Comment body goes here</text>
      <text>Comment body goes here</text>
    $child = $xml->addchild('comment');
    $child->addChild("text","The comment text goes here");
    echo $xml->asXML();