I'm working with a multi-stage image which builds and tests the service in the build process and it works fine with the push steps. The only problem is that I don't want to push the image every time a build of the feature
branch is sent to Codeship, so I have this in my codeship-steps.yaml
- name: Build API
type: serial
- name: Build API image
tag: ^(feature)
service: api
command: true
- name: Push staging API image
tag: ^(develop)
type: push
service: api
image_name: gcr.io/project/api
image_tag: "{{.CommitID}}"
registry: https://gcr.io
dockercfg_service: staging-gcr
- name: Push production API image
tag: ^(master)
type: push
service: api
image_name: gcr.io/project/api
image_tag: "{{.CommitID}}"
registry: https://gcr.io
dockercfg_service: production-gcr
and this in codeship-services.yaml
image: singularities/codeship-api
dockerfile: api/Dockerfile
Everything should work fine, but the Build API image
step fails because it try to run the service like docker run
. Is there any way to override the entrypoint or tell Codeship to only build the image like docker build
In the case of entrypoint scripts, my suggestion would be to create an argument that allows the script to exit successfully.
If you'd like, you can send your steps/services/Dockerfile(s)/entrypoint script to support@codeship.com and we will take a closer look.