
Magento 2 Checkout Billing Step Error 'Shipping Address is not set'

On last step of my Magento 2.1 checkout (billing step) when I Proceed I get a validation error 'Shipping Address is not set'. I have already entered the shipping address and it is also visible in side bar on billing step.

enter image description here

I have tried all similar questions on stackoverflow. I have clear cache, session etc.

Note: I have an extra step on my checkout. I added a new first step which shows cart items. Step navigation seems to be working fine and data seems to be flowing between steps smoothly.

Anyone has any idea what could be wrong?


  • I found out the reason for this. It was actually a very misleading error and had got nothing to do with Shipping Address.

    I am using Braintree for payment integration and there was some issue with my Sandbox account API key. I created new API keys and after that the billing step did not show me the "Address is not set" error.