
How to show selected checkbox in multiselect checkbox list in laravel?

I have a multi-select checkbox list. I want to show stored value in list using checkbox selected.

User informations are stored in Partner_Prefence table and user religion column named as p_religion

$profile_data= DB::table('partner_prefence')->select('p_religion')->first();

Fetching religions from religions table


Multiselect list

<select  multiple="multiple" name="religion[]">
   @foreach($religion_data as $religion)
     <option value="{{$religion->religion_id}}" {{$profile_data->p_religion == $religion->religion_id  ? 'selected' : ''}}>{{$religion->religion_name}}</option>

I'm having trouble with showing which religions user have

{{$profile_data->p_religion == $religion->religion_id  ? 'selected' : ''}}


  • as I understand you have multi select form, so you need show selected multiple column..

    You're storing ids as a string but it's hard check that certain number in string. İf you convert string into a array, you can easly check with in_array() method. This method will return true if given value exist in given array

    <select multiple="multiple" name="religion[]">
        {{-- no need to explode every time, it will reduce your performance --}}
        @php($religions = explode(',', $profile_data->p_religion))
        @foreach($religion_data as $religion)
                    {{--if user religion id exist in religions then mark as selected--}}
                    {{in_array($religion->religion_id,$religions) ? "selected" : ""}}>